the human yummy! |
The Great Pumpkin Cookies are something my mom used to make
me when I was young… then one day she just stopped making them—no word on why
(side eye to my mom); and I sort of forgot about these amazing cookies until a
few years ago. Then I found them again when I was pursuing one of those old
elementary school, fund-raiser cookbooks that the PTA put together from a time
when my mom did things like attend PTA meetings and submit recipes for
compilation cookbooks (which was circa the same time she made these cookies,
actually). Back then chocolate chip cookies were somewhat of a luxury (even if
they did have oatmeal and pumpkin in them)—I mean, the only sugared cereal we
had growing up was frosted flakes and raisin bran…but I digress.
Rediscovering these cookies was wonderful; and now that I’m
an adult, I think I appreciate them even more than when I was a kid. Plus,
they’re fairly easy to make. But they only call for 1 cup of pumpkin.
The common elements |
Pumpkin is perfectly healthy for dogs; and I’ve talked about
it briefly before in regards to how it’s high in fiber and helps dogs along
with what high fiber foods do… Rob’s Mom thought her dog Molly was constipated,
and I believe I Googled it as a trip to the vet wasn’t immediately available.
I’ve been jonesing for pumpkin ever since my Omaha trip last
weekend—it was a blast, btw; and I’d gone to visit my friend Nancy (I did the
math recently, and we’ve just past our 18th anniversary as
friends…just FYI) who is a woman and wanted #pumpkinspiceeverything… we
actually ended up buying a pumpkin pie and bread and I drank pumpkin spice
creamer in my coffee…then we visited a pumpkin patch “attraction”
there…needless to say, my pumpkin craving was jumpstarted (not to mention that
I’d promised pumpkin spice themed dog treats for October…and the fact that just
last night I purchased Pumpkin Ice cream—now, all I need to do is buy a pair of
UGG boots and my fall transformation will be complete given that I’ve been
trying to wear as much flannel as possible despite the unseasonably warm
So this recipe is really a two-birds with one stone kind of
thing…and I kind of like the thought of making a pumpkin treat for me and a
treat for my furbabies (but I’m pretty sure Rob doesn’t count this as a treat
for him as he’s not overly fond of pumpkin).
Click the image for full screen |
Now, I didn’t take any pictures of me making the regular
Great Pumpkin Cookies…and if it’s all the same to you, I’m not really going to
talk about the preparation of that part; however, I have posted the recipe (a
scan of the actual recipe from the actual spiral-bound cookbook—with my
mother’s name omitted because stalkers and I’m sure she wouldn’t want me to put
her name out there lest any of my old readers are catching up on this blog).
Like I said earlier, they’re super easy to make—just mix and bake; but they’re
not all that dog friendly.
Other than the chocolate chips, the recipe has a
human-cookie amount of white and brown sugars and actual butter (despite the
fact that the recipe calls for margarine…another side eye to my mother…but that
was the late 80s or early 90s and margarine is a lot cheaper than real
butter—my mother used to be a lot more economical back then out of necessity). For
our four-legged consumers, some adjustments need to be made.
We start with pumpkin…and when I say I used the rest of the
can, that’s because I did… I made my cookies first then went to buy mums with a
friend and came back to finish the dog treats. If you’re only making these
treats for your dogs, you’re missing out…but just use a full cup of
pumpkin—it’ll be fine.
Coconut oil is perfectly healthy for dogs and has a number
of health benefits from being a natural flea repellant and helping to improve
the shininess of their coats to helping their gums and teeth—like this recipe,
coconut oil is a win win (and no, I’m not being paid to promote coconut oil).
Now, I didn’t only add the coconut oil for its health benefits… Fats are
essential to baking for various reasons like helping to retain moisture and they
affect the texture…Plus, my dogs really seem to like it.
Since coconut oil is solid at room temperature as is butter,
I felt it was the best way for these treats to turn out like the cookies (which
is the point of adapting the recipe and not just making these a roll out treat
or something different). Fats are generally interchangeable (meaning oil can be
substituted for butter and butter for shortening, etc)…so if you don’t have
coconut oil on hand, feel free to use olive oil instead… if you don’t have
olive oil, well… …just try to use a fat that’s as heart healthy as possible.
All mixed up |
We’re already using applesauce in place of some of the fat
in the recipe—as well as the sugar; so I don’t think increasing the applesauce
will have a good effect…but well, I suppose you could add an egg… If you’ve
read over the actual recipe (find it below or by clicking here), you’ll see
that’s one ingredient that I didn’t actually sub out or use from the human
recipe. Eggs are fine for dogs and can add some extra binding power and protein
to your treats; however, here, they weren’t needed—we’ve got binding from the
pumpkin and applesauce…
And if you’re just realizing that these treats are vegan,
congratulations… we’ve arrived at the same conclusion basically at the same
time (the only difference is that I’ve been trying to incorporate that line for
the last few sentences). When I was working up the recipe, it simply didn’t
occur to me…But there are no animal products or byproducts used in this treat
recipe, so if any Vegans need a pumpkin-spice pick me up, here you go. Again,
it’s incidental. My dogs aren’t vegan…no dogs are vegan (I think I ranted about
that before)…
So, if you’ve read over the human recipe, or remember from the
post below, I mentioned the sugar included in the recipe (and white sugar isn’t
exactly vegan as they use bones to make it white—yeah, look it up... I only say
that because it’s one of the things I think about with every teaspoon I stir
into my morning coffee)…any way, between white and brown sugar, there’s 2 cups
of sugar in the original cookies—which doesn’t bother me in the least because,
well, they’re my treats and cookies are supposed to be sweet…and they have to
overcome the pumpkin flavor.
All of that to tell you that I was going to add honey (thus
negating the vegan properties); but if you approach it from a dog’s perspective
(with hopefully very little experience with processed sugars) pumpkin is sweet
(ish) as is the applesauce…I didn’t feel that these needed any extra sweeteners
(but if you’re a vegan with a sweet tooth reading this recipe to make these for
yourself, use agave…probably like 2 tablespoons to ¼ cup…but be mindful that
you’ll need to offset that liquid with some more flour).
Also, cinnamon was a given… I love cinnamon. My dogs love
cinnamon (or at least I feel that they do). And cinnamon is ok for them to
eat…which is why I actually increased the amount instead of scaling it back
(this recipe was adapted to roughly ½ of the original proportions—save the
pumpkin…which is standing in for some of the fat and sugar in the original
recipe). Cinnamon also has anti-inflammatory properties which are
good for
older dogs…like my now gray Presley.
Oats were also a given. They’re dog friendly (not to mention
vegan—side eye to myself for that one). I like the look of them in treats, and
I like that they’re heart healthy. Besides, they’re in the original recipe
(probably to fool moms in the 80s and early 90s into thinking these were
“healthy” cookies)…as is the vanilla which I didn’t cut in half since I love
Now, when it comes to flour, I don’t generally use white
flour in dog treats as it’s healthier to use a whole grain like whole-wheat
flour; but if that’s all you have, you’re dogs will be fine (so long as you
remember that you’ll need 1 full cup of white flour to substitute for the ¾ cup
of whole wheat flour). Not to mention that you’re treats will probably be even
more like the original cookies. Using only wheat flour tends to make this kind
of baked good slightly rubbery (or gelatinous) feeling…they don’t get as cakey,
anyway. If you’re a gluten-free baker and/or household, you’ll want that egg
and probably another one before it’s over…and you’ll need to increase the
leavening as well. As it’s written, I used a full tsp of baking soda—just like
the original recipe—as I was using whole wheat flour and felt it would be
needed to help lift them a bit more.
Damn Hippies! |
Hopefully, you all know that chocolate isn’t good for dogs
which is why I opted for Carob chips (think dog-safe chocolate). Usually, my
local health food store has these in bulk; however, the hippy bastards there
stopped stocking them (yes, that’s way harsh Ty…but the check out guy kept
referring to me as “brother” to the point where I almost pointed out that we,
in fact, don’t share parents…but I just took it at the time safe in the
knowledge that I would type “hippy bastards” at one point during this post);
and I turned to the prepackaged carob chips which rang up $7.85 for a 12 oz
package (and I thought all those damn hippies were commies or socialists…but
apparently, at least one of them is a capitalist—RESPECT—because they charged
over twice the price of the good bag of chocolate chips that the big box
retailer does for a bag of fake chocolate that’s also labeled vegan).
Why did I pay $7.85 for a bag of vegan, fake chocolate—well,
I’m just that kind of person—DETICATED—to my dogs and my dog treat recipes…and
I got it in my head that I needed these to be as close to the original as
possible… Given that you probably don’t have the same hang up, I’d suggest
forgoing the carob chips for Pepitas (hulled and roasted pumpkin seeds)… they
would add another layer to the texture of the treat and not fall apart or
refuse to melt when baked (as did the carob chips—seriously, they tasted worse
than generic, chocolate-flavored chips, too).
Ready to Bake! |
FYI: this is a sticky, moist batter given all the pumpkin and
applesauce; and you will want to line your baking sheet for easy removal.
If you make both recipes (which I highly suggest), your
house will smell like sugar and spice and your dog will drool with you. Both
recipes were easy to make, and both are delicious. Presley was in the kitchen
constantly as he is my
ever faithful kitchen helper; and he got rather anxious
after smelling the human versions for his own treat. Once they were out of the
oven and cooled, Jesse magically appeared…and by the way they gazed longingly at
them(sorry for that, Nancy and I bought cheesy romance novels to read together
while we’re apart—like our own private book club). At any rate, both Presley
and Jesse looked at the top of the oven with an almost burning desire at the
rest of the treats, so I’d have to say that they were a hit—not to mention that
they kept coming back for more (like me and that romance novel—“The Trouble
with Mistletoe” A Heartbreaker Bay Novel published by Avon Books—BUY IT—you
don’t have to tell anyone—it can be your own little secret treat; but know if
you thank me—like you should—I will be obligated to mention it in my next
Right out of the oven, the treats seemed delicate (like
Willa’s heart) while they were cooling but went into the bags without incident
(like her feet did after the possible love of her life and ex-high-school crush
Keane dismembered them after he killed her following finally getting some on
the roof of that building—SERIOUSLY, Nancy, I had no idea this was that kind of
book…ooh, I forgot, Spoilers…); and I bagged mine (the treats that is—and
please forgive me for the dismembering imagery…we are Halloween adjacent…and
no, that’s not in the trashy novel, I just thought it would be funny if Nancy
isn’t to that part yet…) in bags of 12, put the two full bags in the freezer
and the partial in the fridge.
Thank you for reading. As always, the actual recipe follows
(or you can click here). If you have any questions or comments, you can leave
them here, email me directly, or use the social media links on the upper right.
Please feel free to share your treats with me if you make these… and be sure to
follow Jesse on Twitter @Jdawg_yellow.
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